The course is in English.

Cognitive behavioural therapy is one of the most researched psychological treatments and has extensive scientific backing as best practices when it comes to treating anxiety and depression. In this group setting participants will learn techniques and strategies to cope with worries, depressive thoughts and rumination. The course will help participants study the relations between thoughts, behaviour and their emotions and identify unhelpful thinking/behaviour patterns in order to challenge them using proven tools and strategies.

The course takes place once a week, two hours at a time, for a total of six sessions. It is preferred that the participants take an active part in the course and do some homework between classes.

Ideology/about cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT):
The treatment form of cognitive behavioral therapy is based on a solid foundation of research, as it involves transparent methods that have measurable results. The focus of (CBT) therapy is on solving the current problem with targeted work steps where the individual is helped to achieve specific changes and goals.

Course supervisor: Logi Úlfarsson, psychologist/sálfræðingur

Timing: February 15th – March 21st. – in total six sessions (12 hours).
Thursdays at 13.00-15.00

Address: Strandgata- sálfræði- og fjölskyldumeðferð.
Standgötu 51, á horni Kaldbaksgötu 2.

Price: 67.000 (Most unions take part in the payment, it‘s possible to divide the payment)